Updates: CVR and BNP

It has been quite festive in Lima during the holiday weekend. I’ve been busy visiting the CVR archive, which I will now take a step back from. As I mentioned in my previous posts, I’ve narrowed down my focus to Raucana and Huaycan. Two very different urban projects. Last week I spent some time reading testimonies […]

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A brief word on the archive

This week I visited the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s  (CVR) archive for the first time. I have concluded that the CVR archive is the primary source for my research, although I have been made aware of other collections that can supplement it. For example, I was told about a collection of letters to Lima’s mayor in the […]

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El LUM: Lima’s Memory Museum

The museum dedicated to the memory and victims of the internal conflict is fairly recent, inaugurated in December 2015. Located in  Lima’s coastal and upper class district Miraflores, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. When I asked my family about it no one seemed to have visited, despite it being free, and had only heard about it. […]

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